Counsellors, support workers and case managers are required to write and review support plans, checklists, consent forms and assessments on a regular basis. Once done, such forms are typically saved as MS Word or PDF documents and attached to the client’s casefile. This method, while providing evidence of support documentation is not reportable and is …
Many social media and business applications are now requiring multiple methods of verifying your identity when you login. Where previously you were only asked to enter your username and password to access your cloud apps, or your work system, it is now common to input a short code that is texted to you or generated …
The Data Exchange has implemented in July 2018 an enhanced data reporting requirements for funded services. The incremental extension to the reporting framework and scope indicates overall the Commonwealth Government’s desire to expand funded services data collection in the following directions: Inclusion of state based funded programs Enhanced collection of client circumstantial information Enhanced collection …
Searching for an answer to an operational problem can be time-consuming and confusing. Browsing through long and often context poor user guides can be frustrating to busy workers. Knowledge Base systems aim to rectify these issues by providing a simple to search library of articles supported by rich multimedia content to suit most user’s needs. …
Data privacy and NGO’s responsibility to uphold client’s information in confidence are key topics in recent times. In Australia, data breach notifications laws have become mandatory this year and in Europe, new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has come into effect. Software providers and Community Sector organisations must undertake educational and technical actions to ensure they …
The NDIA is expected to release an updated price guide on or around 1st July 2018. While details of specific changes have not yet been made available, organisations must ensure they have reviewed their price increase process applied in previous years, adjust the process where required and keep their customers informed to retain service quality …
It was with some interest last week that we learnt of the extension of the Commonwealth Home Support Program or CHSP to 2020 with the Federal Budget announcements. It appears also from the announcement that the nature of the integrated program is more in question, through a new review processes being announced. Many community service …
Community Data Solutions has long been aware of the vital role strong data reporting plays in the sector and how challenging it is for organisations to have all the data they require at their fingertips for business planning and for improved service delivery. The history of community services reporting in Australia has been focused very …
Community Data Solutions is to pleased announce it has won the tender to provide a new assessments portal and data collection tool for the Community Service Division of Dept for Communities and Social Inclusion, in South Australia. The project has already commenced and will go live in July 2017, allowing DCSI funded service provider agencies …
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