Integrated digital forms in case management

Integrated digital forms in case management

Counsellors, support workers and case managers are required to write and review support plans, checklists, consent forms and assessments on a regular basis. Once done, such forms are typically saved as MS Word or PDF documents and attached to the client’s casefile.

This method, while providing evidence of support documentation is not reportable and is very difficult to update or send for approval.

Digital forms offer a database driven approach to documentation and authorisation workflow however, there are few if any digital form vendors who comply with Australian Privacy law and most host the data overseas.

Community CI has been recently updated to deliver digital forms in a secure environment that is fully integrated with the CDS CRM casework management system. Providers can create their own forms or request forms to be created by the CDS support team.

Forms can be updated as required, filled in by the client, a practitioner or a 3rd party such as GP. The forms can also be sent for sighting and authorisation by the client, a colleague or 3rd party such as funding body representatives. The authorisation process supports feedback, status control and signatures.

Community CI digital forms feature many common form inputs such as yes/no, single select, multi-select, text fields and HTML formatted text. 

Users can access reports to view upcoming assessments, support plans require review and forms with outstanding authorisations to enhance their workflow and improve business processes.

Contact our support team to request a demonstration of our Community CI integrated digital forms.