Getting outcomes into your NFP software
Outcomes are becoming the focus in the new world of measuring success in the NFP sector. The growth in social impact bonds as a funding source for Community Services and the shift to outcomes measurement across all levels of Government requires Community Services agencies to have the means to measure outcomes in an effective way. Many of the efforts with electronic data systems have historically been outputs focused, measuring units of service, direct and indirect time, cases closed, new instances of service etc.
The last thing Community Services agencies need is more double data entry to manage outcomes. This adds an administrative burden for frontline staff having to use multiple data systems if your CRM cannot also manage outcomes effectively.
Community Data Solutions has developed an integrated outcomes management tool which can accommodate multiple outcomes frameworks. This allows your organisation to build your own outcomes measurement within the CRM environment so frontline staff are using one integrated tool. Our product CommunityCI allows your organisation to aggregate outcomes data across individual and groups of clients across multiple programs and report creatively on this data for internal use and for Government. Community Data Solutions is working towards allowing clients directly to receive and respond to outcomes surveys via SMS and email and will have this available to our customers by 2019.
To find out more about CommunityCI call 1800 503 891 or go to https://communityds.com.au/communityci/
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