Productivity Commission, Outcomes and Data Management
The Commonwealth Government has recently released it’s Productivity Commission Report entitled ‘Introducing Competition and Informed User Choice into Human Services: Reforms to Human Services’. This report seeks to review how Human Services are currently funded, managed and reported upon across all States and Territories, and how this will be done into the future in Australia. The document, therefore, has many positive and valuable insights into the thinking of the Commonwealth in funding Human Services in the longer term.
If you do a word count search in the document on the phrase ‘user choice’ you get a result of 118 entries. However, if you choose the word ‘outcomes’ a staggering 645 results. This illustrates in its simplest form the two of the main shifts in accountability and funding coming in Human Services. That is, (1) greater emphasis on user choice, which will mean individualised funding in one form or another and (2) outcomes measurement, through outcomes frameworks and improved outcomes data management. Inevitably this will mean finding ways in the future to effectively collect outcomes data directly from your clients.
Community Data Solutions is working intensively in both these spaces with our Client Management and CommunityCI outcomes management software that enables Government and non-Government agencies the capacity to collect outcomes data in an effective and affordable manner.
#outcomes645 #humanservices
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